This business offers full, personalized service from concept to installation of upscale residential, municipal, and commercial landscaping, hardscapes, water features, irrigation, and ongoing maintenance. Serving the Colorado Front Range for over 50 years with top quality sales, design, installation, service, and maintenance. This business performs well in both strong and challenging economic markets. Skilled team with many years of experience means no landscaping experience needed!
Contact us, register, and sign our NDA to receive our confidential Offering Summary on this extraordinary opportunity!
Owner retiring
Owner willing to stay and train new owner(s)
Approx. 8,000 sq. ft. building with office space, conference room, kitchen/break room, and workshop; with outdoor yard facilities with greenhouses, nursery area, mulch and rock stations, etc.
Approx. 10 acres of land
Serving the Colorado Front Range area for over 50 years! This business includes:
• Diverse professional team with backgrounds in landscape architecture, engineering, environmental planning, water resources management, horticulture, and construction management
• Top-tier facilities located in a prime Front Range commercial location with direct access to main highways
• Includes some much-coveted local water shares to ensure continued, unimpeded growth
• Has a strong reputation for quality installation and project integrity
• Has robust working relationships with residential, commercial, and municipal clients, as well as with area regulatory agencies
• Experienced management provides the owner the flexibility to choose their level of day-to-day involvement
Value Drivers:
• Most new business is either referral driven, or due to positive brand recognition. Little to no sales efforts currently being exerted.
• Experienced sales, design, installation, service, and maintenance staff with decades of combined experience
• Reputation of delivering within tight timeframes and cost parameters
• Performs well through various economic cycles
This is an ideal purchase for a seasoned landscaping operator looking to grow through acquisition with an established and thriving business in the heart of Colorado’s Front Range, or an entrepreneur looking to capitalize on the ever-growing Colorado demand for development.
The business, real estate, and water shares are all for sale.
• Capitalize on recurring revenue opportunities by increasing number of annual landscaping maintenance contracts
• Begin to accept smaller upscale residential projects (currently turning away requests below ~$30k due to high demand)
• Increase product offerings by expanding into retail nursery sales and residential indoor plant maintenance
• Expand commercial and municipal customer pool through concentrated sales efforts
• Create a social media presence for the company (currently none)